Millionaire Miser

In Literacy class we also have a Reader’s Theater. In reader’s theater we can practice our fluency and our expression when we talking. In my reader theater grouphave Samnang, Kimseng, Sreyneang, Souyeth, Somphors, Sopor, and me. Our reader’s theater story is Millionaire Miser. Millionaire Miser is the story that talking about one man he s a millionaire but he was so stingy to spend his money even buy the food for his family. When the god see that man he comes and taught that man a lesson then he stops being stingy anymore. There were many characters in that story for example the servants the millionaire man and many narrators. For my character I’m acting as a narrator two and millionaire child. Reader’s theater helped me a lot about reading with expression.

Performance video

Favorite book

In Literacy class I have reading group with my teacher, Caroline. We had read a lot of books together like Mummies in the Morning, Giddy Up Winnie and Winnie goes wild etc. One of my favorite books is Winnie books. Winnie books is one of the book that talking about a witch name Winnie that she like to do silly things that different from other witches. When I read it, I laugh every times because it’s so funny. Some witch words in there was so funny and silly. I’m sure that when you read that book you will laugh a lot.



Economics mean social science that works to explain how goods and services are produced, distributed, and consumed using scarce resource to satisfy unlimited needs and wants. In economics class the big things that I learned about is the Law of Demand and the Law of Supply and there are other things too that I learned like Value, Opportunity cost, Capital goods vs Consumer goods, goods vs Services etc.

The law of Demand is that as all the factor remain the same, when the price of the goods/services is increase the demand of that goods/services is decrease. As the price of the goods/services is decrease the demand of that goods/service is increase. So there is an inverse relationship between price and demand.

The 5 shifters of demand are:

1. Number of consumer

2. Related goods (supplement vs complement)

3. Taste/ preference

4. Income

5. Expectation

The law of Supply is that as all the factor is remained the same, when the price of the goods/services is increase there is an increase quantity in supplied. When the price of the goods/services is decrease there is a decrease quantity in supplied. So there is a direct relationship between the price and the quantity.

The 5 shifters of supply are:

1. Number of producer

2. Technology

3. Tax/ subsidies

4. Price of resource

5. Expectation

If you want to see my project about the Law of supply please click on the phrase below.

The Law of Supply

Below is value and opportunity example

ValueUntitled Banner


Engineering Description

Name: Engineering

Learning Facilitator: Max

Number of Students: 11

Date: 20 October- 16 January

Days we meet: Monday-Tuesday

Course Description: On the first day of Tech and Engineering, we learned aboutengineering. Its definition is solving problems by using math, science, technology and creativity. On the next day, we started to learn about the process of engineering. It is called the 5D. First, we discover what is the problem. Then, we define the problem. Next, we can design the solution. After that, we develop the plan. Deploy means improve our plan. We had to engineer the chair for the bear. The chairs for the bear were made from Legos. It was the first challenge for the class. One of the criteria was to make the chair so that when the bear sat on it, it does not fall. We also engineered the robot. We learned a lot about programming.

Eco Tourism Description

  • Exploration 7

Exploration name: Ecotourism

Exploration dates: August 13-October 3, 2014

Number of students: 13

Essential questions:

(1) What is Eco tourism?

(2) How can Eco tourism help change our country?

Eco tourism means to travel to natural areas that protect environment and help people life at location became better. Eco tourism was also about helping to preserve the environment. Our ecotourism group went to Chi Phat to study about the ecotourism in Chi Phat. Also we learned about how ecotourism in Chi Phat are different from other ecotourism sites. Our big goal when we went to Chi Phat was to interview as many people as possible. We interviewed different people to get different answers and all the people had different perspectives. After we interviewed a lot of people we came back and studied about the information we found some areas of concern. Our group made a recommendation to Chi Phat community about the areas of concern. Some areas of concern are education, transportation, marketing, collaboration, and energy. After we finished we will send it to Martin and Prom Hong, the CBET (Community Based Ecotourism Site) directors.

My Project Blog: